
Enjoy Natural Beauty and Regain Baby-Like Skin with 3 Simple Steps:

Suitable for:
1. Combination, oily and sensitive skin
2. Freckles and hyper pigmentation skin
3. Dull and tired skin
4. Busy schedule and don’t have time using too many skincare products
5. Anti aging, sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, visible pores
6. Long hours in front of computers, exposure to radiation
7. Stay up late night

Step 1: Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion, 20ml
This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to replenish skin moisture and revive dull skin, while balancing water and oil secretion. Rich yeast extract can promote metabolism, lock in moisture, inhibit melanin production and prevent blackheads and whiteheads. Witch hazel extract soothes and heals the skin, excreting impurities, prevents breakouts, diminishes dullness, firming and rejuvenates the skin.

Step 2: Mageline Youth Essence Intense Concentrate, 5ml
Rare plants essence lightens dark pigmentation, improves blood circulation, renews skin cells and revives dull skin. Small molecules are easily absorbed, and effectively nourishes aging skin, reduces skin pigmentation, rejuvenates aging cells, resulting in smooth and supple skin.

Step 3: Mageline Noble Lady Cream, 5g
8-in-1 Multi-Effect Moisturizer naturally improves skin radiance. A product that can replace BB foundation cream. Hydrolyzed Hokkaido pearl powder extract and sheep placenta extract help to dissolve aging skin cells and repair damaged tissues, reduce wrinkles. Ginseng root and French rose oil effectively lightens spots and acne marks, tightens pores, improves skin metabolism. Jellyfish extract reduces fine lines and wrinkles, effectively treats skin discoloration and removes skin pigmentation naturally.


1. 干敏族:肌肤干燥起皮、红血丝,过敏肌
2. 色斑族:面部零零星星出现斑点
3. 黄脸族:肤色暗黄满脸倦容,痘痘脸激素
4. 懒人族:既想要好皮肤,又想省时间
5. 恐老族:害怕肌肤松弛、细纹找上门
6. 电脑族:长期接受电脑、电磁辐射
7. 熬夜族:经常超过11点才睡觉的

不光可以补水保湿,更能平衡水油,修护肌底,提亮肤色,几乎满足你对化妆水的全部想象!这款平衡水含有92.7%精纯高活性酵母精华,透明质酸、北美金缕梅等成分,美白同时深度补水,同时平衡水油分泌,能为肌肤深度补水锁水,打开肌肤吸收通道,加乘后续护肤吸收力!是化妆水,也是精华水!麦吉丽平衡水是蕴含酵母精华成分的水状保养品,也是修护肌底的精华水. 小分子,更易吸收, 高效渗透皮下五层结构深度补水祛黄,同时平衡水油分泌,丰富的酵母精华能促进新陈代谢,保湿嫩肤,抑制黑色素生成,金缕梅提取物能帮助肌肤排出浊质,减退黯哑,平衡水油,预防痘痘生成,集保湿、美白紧致、嫩肤、平衡水油于一体。焕活肌肤细胞活力, 再造完美肤质。

你的青春能量棒!全频抗老,抵抗蓝光侵袭. 作为一款全效型浓缩精华,革新护肤防蓝光技术,独特的五层渗透配方,小分子层层深入加速吸收,珍稀植物精粹能够深层淡化黑色素,更新衰老细胞,激活天然胶原蛋白,密集修护细纹。嫩肤保湿抗皱,改善血液微循坏,令肌肤白皙红润紧实健康,紧实去暗沉,轻松HOLD住不同肤质的肌肤问题,为肌肤注入满满青春能量,从肌底焕发出透白水润、改善粗糙肤质。滋养老化肌肤,减轻皮肤色素沉着,令肌肤弹润嫩滑,紧致抗衰、弹性嫩肤。含珍稀人参,红百合花蜜提取液,另外还有独家的 BFGF (细胞生长因子) 现在广泛运用于医美,整容后的修护。

1. 美白去黃 2. 淡斑 3. 淡化痘印 4. 嫩膚 5. 收縮毛孔 6. 去皺 7. 抗衰老 8. 防敏
自然提亮肤色至光彩靓丽,是一款可以代替bb霜粉底的护肤保养品,水解羊胎盘提取物溶解老化角质,修复受损的皮肤组织,淡化细纹,玫瑰花油能淡化斑点痘印,收细毛孔,促进新陈代谢,水母可以嫩肤抗皱,改善肤色,净化祛黄。护肤+美颜,一步搞定,秒变女神肌. 麦吉丽贵妇美颜膏通过多种珍稀营养成分,从根源改善肤色并护理肌肤,美白去皱,淡斑淡印,收缩毛孔,让肌肤光彩耀目白皙。外部提亮肤色, 一“拍”亮肤,呈现自然白皙肤色, 是可代替粉底、BB霜的保养品. 内部改善暗沉, 从根源改善肤色并护理肌肤, 让肌肤通透告别瑕疵.




取黄豆大小贵妇美颜膏均匀点在脸上,轻轻拍打至吸收, 然后涂上防晒霜. 贵妇美颜膏仅用于日间. 晚上可以涂在斑点痘印的地方